About Us

Yamaha serow250

Crossroadsvietnam.com is the website created by Carnets d’Asie and dedicated to motorbike trips in Vietnam

Carnets d’Asie is a travel agency in Vietnam, based in Hanoi. Fancying motorbike and convinced that it is one of the best way to discover Vietnam, we decided to create this website dedicated to motorbike adventures in Vietnam in order to present our itineraries, our motorbikes, our feedbacks…

Why travelling through Vietnam by motorbike? 

In Vietnam, either in town, in the countryside, or in the heart of the mountains, everyone get around by motorbike. Travelling while riding these engines will give you the opportunity of living the same way as Vietnamese people do, and there is no better way than this one to understand and appreciate the reality of a country. From our point of view, we are motorbike lovers and this is the mean of transport we choose to go and discover North Vietnam.

Why choosing Streets of Asia to plan your motorbike trip in Vietnam?

  • Being a local agency, travelling with us will permit you to avoid any intermediaries and you will be in direct contact with the designer of your adventure.
  • We are a young English speaking and growing team. To understand each other, it is always easier to speak the same language.
  • Because you will be guided by an English speaking and biker guide, who is also a truly expert of the lands you will visit.
  • You can create your own customized trip, from A to Z. We always adapt our offers in order to satisfy your wishes and your requirements. We do not create standardized tours, on the contrary, each trip is special for each traveller.
  • Because we are a travel agency based in Vietnam and certified by the general direction of Tourism of Vietnam. Here is the number of our specific licence for the planning of international travels : 01-1158/2018/TCDL-GP LHQT.
  • As you are, we also are motorbike lovers, and more than that, we cherish Vietnam… So if you plan to travel in Vietnam by motorbike, share your project with us and we will help you to make it become real!